open soul project

A path of self discovery

A holographic universe who talks to you

I find we live in an era with an overwhelming number of yoga instructors, food gurus, therapists and spiritual leaders, who add the label “holistic” to whatever imaginable activity. Interestingly, fewer are the people who actually ask themselves what Holistic stands for, to begin with.

So what this holographic universe is all about?

The concept of a Holographic universe pictures a totally interconnected system, where no single particle is out of alignment with any other. This is ONE universe, and all its parts are resonating and vibrating in collaboration. Moreover, the holographic universe is an ever-expanding structure that repeats itself changing costumes, but always maintaining a pattern. Such as the electrons spinning the nucleus of an atom resembles the planets of the solar system turning our sun. The simplicity of this pattern is disguised to create the illusion of something unique and one-of-a-kind. Still, even when galaxies and tornadoes seem to be very different entities, they share a geometry which cannot be underestimated as a mere coincidence. 

While many may consider this only applies to physical phenomena, the truth is that everything we know about this universe is based on our experience through our five senses (and I would add the sixth sense which I consider to be Thought). Even statistical and proved cause and effect are ultimately filtered by our own brain, so it’s hard to determine what is real and what is not. Thus, the holographic structure I’m describing does not only represents a formula for determining the geometric design of forming tornadoes and galaxies (check Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence to learn more about it). It also illustrates the psychologic structures that we maintain in our thinking process are not just electrical or chemical responses to stimuli, separated from one being to another. On the contrary, they are immersed in a wave of symbolism and archetypical energy that we absorb, transform and re-transmit from and to the outer world. We are part of a complex electric circuit in the fabric of creation. Our very existence is a complex process of information being transformed and, more importantly, felt

“Magic’s just science that we don’t understand yet.”

 Arthur C. Clarke

I’m disregarding science for its lack of sensitivity when excluding feelings and subjective perceptions out of the so-called “scientific method“. In a civilized world who doesn’t admit any formal knowledge which is not accredited by the scientific institution, I see myself forced to believe in Magic. Not in the means of spells or magic wands, but in connection with a deep understanding of everything I’m experiencing in this 3D-world is a reflection of an inner state of being. And the essential matter… that this connection works on both ways. The world brings me information about my emotional state whenever my energy focusses on the outer world. Yet I can see the results of adjusting my inner state almost automatically reflected in the external world, too. 

In this way, every experience we live has a secret hidden message. It contains information which only adds value to our understanding of the universe. Most of those lessons won’t be possible to be applied by others. However, they hold a vibrational meaning, a sort of metadata, which can be transmuted into different and several experiences. It’s the universe talking to itself. It’s you knowing yourself. 

A story four you

I would like to share one of these metaphysical messages that I often tune in reality. I have a taste for maths and, behind that, I’m totally in love with numbers and numerology. I find numbers are an easy way to catch vibrational information about situations, people and possible outcomes. They are kind of a fortune teller in my life. The next story is specifically about number Four

In 2016 I was living in Santiago de Chile. I had just met a new friend; we had an automatic connection, as if we had met from earlier times. He invited me to celebrate New Year’s Eve with his friends. We went to Valparaiso for its famous celebrations and then had a party near the beach. It was in this party and under the influence of a well-known drug, MDMA that I had my first encounter with the number Four. I experienced a sort of vision while standing next to a fire. I saw the burning sparks going to the air and mixing with the stars in such a pure night. I had strong feelings of a deep connection with the Earth, with grounding myself somewhere and work for my dreams. 

Ever since after that, I never stopped to find this number in my life. It appears to me in the most curious and supernatural ways, which I won’t describe all for the sake of keeping the mystery, and your attention. I just want to mention one in particular. A few months ago, when moving to a new room in Gràcia, Barcelona, I met Alfonso, who would become a perfect friend. I owe him my desire to have piano lessons, and since living with him, I started to meditate every day and practice a new way of living my life. The first morning when I woke up in his house, we were having breakfast when I noticed the clock in the hall pointing the four o’clock. He, who didn’t know this little secret of mine yet, told me the clock would have stopped that same night I came in. That was my message for I was in the right place and the right time. 

My friend Vicky and me coming back from a party, and the bike I found on my way.

Find your own hidden messages

My sincere wish for you is that you find your own language with the cosmos, that you learn to read its signs and that you don’t doubt for a moment that those messages are for you, as long as you pay enough attention. Intuition and feeling will help you on the way. 

I want to share a final piece of writing that came to me a few days ago. I believe it makes perfect sense with this article. It’s about the things that happen to you and the Meaning you give to them.

What you see is what you are,
What you think you are seeing is your Ego, not your seeing.
By giving meaning to your seeing, you are defining your essence.
By defining your essence, you are limiting yourself.
Giving new meaning to things is changing.
Getting a deeper meaning of things is becoming wiser.
Knowing the ultimate meaning is to find your purest essence,
which is that of an unlimited and unique being.

Thank you,

A holographic universe who talks to you – Hernán A. García

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  1. FranFlan April 5, 2020

    ….y lo escribiste el 4 del 4 de 2020=4
    un abrazo

  2. Patricia April 7, 2020

    ¡Amé todo!
    Me acuerdo cuando fui a visitarte y ví tu reloj a las 4pm, pensé que había llegado más tarde de lo previsto a mi sesión de masaje, pero no, era tu número. Un abrazo inmenso, 4 abrazos mejor 😉

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