open soul project

A path of self discovery

Global lockdown for a major soul breakthrough

I’m sitting at the reception table of Alaya Retreat Centre, watching the day starting slowly. I feel exceptionally lucky about being in a place like this in times of global lockdown. All scheduled retreats have been cancelled and my day goes between repairing the water gutter at the entrance and making new videos for promoting the place. Actually, I would like to share one of them with you so you can discover this amazing place by yourself…

The Alaya Retreat Centre seen from the skies.

I am also making a new friend from Wales, Anneka, who is a poet. She encouraged me to write more fluidly and focus less on the grammar to begin with, so I’m moving faster and with a clearer picture of where I’m heading.

In retribution, I gave Anneka a massage and… guess what? She interviewed me for a famous pharmacy in Barcelona, so new doors are opening for me as a masseur and holistic therapist (you can find the article here). I am also giving her some ideas on how to run a new business of her own, which makes me realise my potential as a life coach. I don’t think a decade of being a business consultant was just a mistake, and I’m willing to use all that knowledge I acquired from those years to help other people achieve their dreams.

A blessing in disguise

Unexpectedly, I’m seeing many of my dreams unfolding here, in the middle of nature with just a few people surrounding me. I wanted to try the farm lifestyle for a while. But for sure I never got here escaping from a virus breakdown nor the total lockdown of the city. Nevertheless, it allowed me to settle, eat my veggies and meditate more frequently. I have the chance to learn from the person I am everyday, reconnect with my feelings and understand how strong I am in fact.

This also gave me a lot of space to think about the times we’re running into. In the ethereal way I perceive reality, I notice we are going through a major transformation in terms of global consciousness, energy, and frequency. I am waking up in the middle of the night with feelings of my body mutating, rewiring parts of my multidimensional being and acknowledging feelings and old emotional blockages that were holding me back. I also found myself surprised to be crying for no reason in the morning and then smiling all day long.

I don’t think this is just me. I know many people are fearful of what is happening in the world. But I honestly think that we, as humanity, are going through a big change, energetically speaking. Whether you notice or not, you may be facing old trauma or new challenges in your life and I just want to encourage you to embrace every feeling that crosses your field of consciousness.

Find yourself in the process

This is not a process we can decide to escape from. For the ones who have been trying to connect with themselves for the last years, this is going to be a little less painful. For the rest, including myself, it may bring to the present some old ghosts we thought were far behind. Appreciate all the sorrow that brings you closer to your own light. Let that light be your presence, the energy that will transform the universe, our planet and all society for the sake of evolution. Before shining again, life is asking us to have a look at our actions, behaviours and, especially our attachments. Acknowledge every single aspect of it, as it is all You.

In the words of one of my favourite philosophers of modern times, Alan Watts:

“Every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick, and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know”

Before leaving, I want to share a small piece of poetry I wrote last weekend after a big emotional unblocking related to my mother. This is my way to tell you that for every pain you decide to process and let go of, there will be flowers of beauty and love blooming in your life.

Bitter oranges
Until nine it was fine,
bitter oranges were not in my plans,
unaware of separation, the flesh and the rind.

A glowing soul would hand me a cup of tea,
such warm light wiping out my tears,
but of course the child had to meet the fear.

Screaming nightmares, my mother wouldn’t come,
so the blank spaces I had to look at,
I found darkness and silence, I was stuck for a while,
and the tea I was not drinking,
it was as cold as my own blood.

When the animal was resting in wild emotions,
it was the sound of a piano which put my heart in motion.

The universe placed stars in front of my eyes,
my soul gave me a call and gratefully I say ‘Hi’,
now I drink my bitter oranges, and learnt to make jam,
learnt to use my fears to bring out new ideas,
and my smile shines the way to my big Utopia.

With love,

Global lockdown for a major soul breakthrough – Hernán A. García

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  1. FranFlan March 21, 2020

    “But for sure I never got here escaping from a virus breakdown nor the total lockdown of the city”. Totally unexpected!
    Gracias por lo escrito. You put in words what’s going on for a lot of us human beings. We are learning to make jam, to get closer to the light, to start looking inside and less outside.
    Me alegro por las sincronías que te llevaron a estar en este momento en ese bello lugar.
    Un abrazo hermanito

  2. cami March 22, 2020

    me encanta poder leerte en este espacio tan honesto, el poema es hermoso, y tu sonrisa ilumina mi camino también!

    Te amo!

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