open soul project

A path of self discovery


  • A holographic universe who talks to you
    I find we live in an era with an overwhelming number of yoga instructors, food gurus, therapists and spiritual leaders, who add the label “holistic” to whatever imaginable activity. Interestingly, fewer are the people who actually ask themselves what Holistic stands for, to begin with. So what this holographic universe is all about? The concept of a Holographic universe pictures a totally interconnected system, where no single particle… Read more: A holographic universe who talks to you
  • Global lockdown for a major soul breakthrough
    I’m sitting at the reception table of Alaya Retreat Centre, watching the day starting slowly. I feel exceptionally lucky about being in a place like this in times of global lockdown. All scheduled retreats have been cancelled and my day goes between repairing the water gutter at the entrance and making new videos for promoting the place. Actually, I would like to share one of them… Read more: Global lockdown for a major soul breakthrough
  • Gardening
    Last Monday, I arrived at Vilafranca del Panedés, a location close to the south of Barcelona. I’m working as a volunteer in a “masia“; a house where people come to have retreats of all kinds. All I knew about this place was of a friend of mine who visited the masia some time ago. He fell in love with it, so I just followed my intuition… Read more: Gardening
  • Opening to unlimited possibilities
    Writing openly (e.g., this blog) is one of the things that most scares me. I guess the main reason is that I tend to overthink about how my actions affect the outer world, and how people may receive that which I have to offer. So this is how I have hesitated about doing it for the last decade, just writing occasionally and with no clear direction. … Read more: Opening to unlimited possibilities

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