open soul project

A path of self discovery


Hernán García – Holistic therapist

One of my many dimensions is to be a holistic therapist. I am a chiro masseur (I finished my studies on chiro-massage in 2017. Holistic comes from the understanding that everything in the universe is reflected in higher and lower planes of reality, such as a fractal. That’s why I see massage as a way for the patient to explore their own consciousness. By giving them the chance to connect with their emotional body, they can relate their physical symptoms with feelings they hold inside.

I like sharing a cup of tea while having a conversation regarding how patients feel after one of my massages. I also have power crystals which I use before and after the session. Every session is unique and intended for relaxing not just the body but as well the mind and soul.

If you want to book an appointment, follow this link:

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